United Women in Faith

Championing causes for Women and Children

What is the UWF (United Women in Faith)?

Members nurturing one another in community and supporting U.S. and international projects and partners improving the lives of women, children, and youth with their prayers, volunteer and advocacy efforts, and financial gifts.

Who can join the UWF?

Any woman who commits herself to the purpose of UWF and to engage in mission, study, and personal growth and social action can join.  There is no age requirement. 

Why should I join the UWF?

There are many opportunities for prayer, bible studies, spiritual retreats, hands on missions, education experiences, training opportunities, supporting work with women, children, and youth, advocacy for social justice issues and much more.



Group sits in meeting room at UWF field trip to TRM.
UWF field trip to TRM 2024
Three women in kitchen at TRM
UWF field trip to TRM 2024
West Bay staff take delivery of UWF canned soup
UWF Souper Bowl delivery to West Bay Elementary 2024
UWF receives Valentines 2024
West Bay twirlers perform outside the church entrance.
Mingle and Jingle 2023
West Bay Students and UWF Officers stand at the front of the church
Mingle and Jingle 2023

Women stand behind table of Thanksgiving donations to West Bay Elementary.

 Come to our next meeting to find out more. 

We would love to have you!

We join in together the second Monday of each month at 1:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

– Happy User


Pastor and group of women pose in front of storage building.
UWF field trip to TRM 2024
Gulfview UWF women attending the Moss Hill memorial service.
Gulfview UWF at Moss Hill memorial service for the District 2024


UWF delivers donations to the Sheltering Tree 2023
UWF delivers donations to the Sheltering Tree 2023
Three women show supply donations for West Bay Elementary School
UWF delivers Undie Sunday supplies to West Bay Elementary at the beginning of the school year 2023

Group Photo of women with bagged Thanksgiving groceries

Thanksgiving bags for West Bay 2022

UWF Officers
UWF Local Officers 2023