Sunday STUDY Class
9:00 a.m.
Jubilee meets, in person, in Room 101 in the Education Building. This Sunday Study Class is for men and women. Feel free to join in any Sunday.

This book being studied was written to show how the Gospel was spread from the time of Jesus’ resurrection and the Upper Room experience to the time of Paul’s imprisonment in Rome. It is a story of what can happen when a group of ordinary people dedicate themselves to become true disciples of Jesus Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to lead them.
The class is discussion oriented. Study questions are sent out by email at the first of the week to help prepare the class for the discussion. If you would like to receive this email, let Juddy know at
Class starts at 9 a.m. in Room 101 in the Educational building. If you are in the choir you will be excused at 9:30 a.m.
The class would like to invite everyone to join us this Sunday in Room 101. It is a great way to get to know your Brothers and Sisters at Gulfview.