Get Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Gulfview United Methodist Church
What entrance do I use for Worship Service?
Enter the church directly from the double door entrance on Rose Lane.
Where do I park?
There are marked parking places on all four sides of the church. -
Can a person in a wheelchair worship here?
Sure. Our ushers will help you enter via a side entrance.
Can a person with portable oxygen worship here?
Certainly. We have a sound system so that you don’t have to worry about noise.
What if I want to know more about accessibility?
Accessibility questions for Gulfview United Methodist Church should be directed to the Chair of Trustees. Simply e-mail the Chair of Trustees with the e-mail address listed on the Contact Us page.
Is there childcare during worship service?
Children of all ages are welcome in our service. There is a Children’s Church available most Sundays.
Where should I sit?
You can sit in any open pew. Ushers are available before the service to help seat you if you wish.
What if I have poor hearing?
We have a hearing assistance system. Please ask an usher for a headset.
What if I don’t have “church” clothes?
Shorts and flip flops are always welcome.
What if I visit on a Sunday when Communion is served?
Everyone is welcome at Christ’s table at Gulfview.
What if I am hungry?
Refreshments are served after Worship service in the Fellowship Hall. There are also food items available in one of the three little houses behind the church on the Wisteria Lane side.
What if I am in need of prayer?
Prayer requests are taken in person during worship service. And you can easily fill out the Prayer Request form here on the website for a confidential request for prayer. Additionally, you can write up and put a prayer request in one of the three little houses behind the church on the Wisteria Lane side.
What if I want to know a lot more about the United Methodist Church?
You can use our Resources Page to link to several websites with in-depth information about the denomination.